Sunday, January 20, 2008

So Close...

Well, it's been a nice few days off from adoption stuff, but as soon as this holiday is over, we'll be back on the road again.

After submitting our documents to our agency to look over, we received some feedback on some things that need to be fixed first before we get them apostilled. Now I was a little bit bummed about this because I wanted it to all come back perfect and have everything be on its way to the Secretary of State. However, I had to look at the bright side. Most of the documents were fine and those that need to be fixed are relatively easy fixes. I also had to be thankful that these things were caught before we spent the money to apostille them. Oh and yes, I did finally get a chance to confirm the price for apostilling these documents. Good thing I had overly prepared myself because at $20 per document, it's going to be a pretty penny to get everything over the next hump, but as much as I can find a reason to worry every step of the way, I have to continually remind myself what an awesome opportunity I have to be in the front row of seeing what amazing things God has in store next. His fingerprints are all over this adoption and I know they will continue.

As we are weary from last week and we embark upon a particularly full upcoming week, please pray for us this week as we get these last documents fixed & we wait for our homestudy to be done. We are praying specifically for our homestudy to be sent off for approval at their main office this week.

We are so close...but yet still not quite there yet. Godspeed...

II Corinthians 5:7 "For we walk by faith, not by sight."

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