Monday, February 25, 2008

The Signs of a Good Pilot

Okay, well we officially saved $173 per hour for 15 hours. That was our cost savings when we booked our flights and had two very long layovers. Our visas have been checked and our plane ready in Atlanta, so we're off to sit in a cramped plane for the next 10 hours and 40 minutes...not including the boarding time and waiting on the tarmac time and then navigating Moscow's tarmac time and then the de-boarding time.

Oh look, I can watch out the window of the airport and the pilot keeps wandering around the plane. He keeps coming back to the same spot and pointing at the comforting. I'm sure its just a scratch in the paint job. Glad to see he's noted it on his clipboard. (Don't tell Bran, she might get nervous...she hasn't noticed this guy at'll be our little secret.)

Anyway, Bran and I need to get up from our we can go stand in line...only to sit down again on the plane. I hope I have a power slot next to our seats....we only got through 14 LOST episodes.

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