Sunday, December 16, 2007

Response to Our Letter

Nathan wrote a letter to our original agency and their response was that it was our fault that we did not have a child yet. It was not about the fact that they were not re-accredited. It was our fault for being so narrow-minded in what we are looking for in a child. We didn't realize that a healthy girl between 0-5 was so narrow-minded! For those that have not caught on to my sarcasm, we have been very generous in what we are looking for and without their re-accreditation, they cannot function in Russia. Realistically, what type of child we ask for if their license to operate in Russia is not valid, is irrelevant.

We were quite taken aback by their defensive stance and have been thinking and praying about how to respond. Please pray for us to respond in a Christ-like way and to trust that God will provide the funds that we hoped they would return. We've seen too much on this journey to worry. He is faithful and He will equip us for what He has called us to do.

II Corinthians 5:7 "For we walk by faith, not by sight.

1 comment:

Annie said...

For what it is worth - we have adopted five children through an un-accredited agency.